Autour de 1942
Around 1942
During the 40’s and the German military occupation in France, it was forbidden to make Cognac. The barrels were requisitioned and confiscated to be sent to Germany.
“Autour de 1942” was distillated in the 40s in the greatest secrecy, defying the ban on distillation. It is during the night with candles that this Cognac was developed in very small quantities. It was then buried for several years in order to not be confiscated.
Since then, this exceptional single blend Cognac has been kept ageing on single oak barrels by the family.
“Autour de 1942” reveals strong vitality and character and has a unique richness of aromas that can not be recreated.
“This Cognac offers a magnificent robustness and a unique range of flavours, along with an excellent delicacy in mouth and wonderful rancio on the palate.”